Friday, August 30, 2013

For Me, A Paranormal Night

No ethereal visitors draped in black, no dreams of past or future lives, nothing went bump in the night.  No voices whispering bedtime stories I could write the nest day. Nothing, but a sound restful sleep. I have no idea what it all could mean!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Night Watcher

     Something stirred in my bedroom, changed somehow that I woke. There was the shadowy standing figure of a man a few feet from my bed watching me. No one I recognized. When our eyes met, he smiled and 'evaporated' for lack of a better word. I turned over and went back to sleep.
     During this second sleep, I dreamed I wrote about my visitor and posted it here. I thought it might be significant in the dream. I think it may be significant now. We'll see what the coming day(s) bring. Something good. My visitor was a friendly sort. He might have even been myself from a different plane of existence, if Anthony Peake's book 'The Labyrinth of Time' is to be believed!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Synchronicity Or Monitoring

     Yesterday I went to a local gym for a long overdue workout. I mentioned it in a post on Facebook. Later in the day when I checked my email, my inbox was flooded with ads for nutrition supplements, workout clothing, training programs and the like. Coincidence? I don't think so. I am always careful about my comments on Facebook and now I am certain of the importance of that discretion.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ad Lib As A Channel Of Spirit

     As an actor and public speaker I have had a few instances when I had to ad lib. As an actor, it was because I forgot the line as it was written, but knew the gist of it. As a public speaker, it might of have been for the same reason, or because I was suddenly struck by something else I wanted to say.
    I recently learned a new detail about Dr. Martin Luther King's famous 'I Have A Dream' speech. The phrase 'I have a dream' appears nowhere in text Dr. King used to make that speech. His proposed four-minute speech was extended to sixteen minutes as he expounded on that now famous phrase. The most poignant statement he made was an ad lib. This is how Spirit works through us. Some voice in his head whispered that phrase, he spoke it and people repeated it as a rallying point of the American Civil Rights Movement. 
     My guess is this is the most powerful ad lib every uttered in a public forum. It was made fifty years ago tomorrow.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Self-fulfilling prophecy is neither prophecy or synchronicity. It is more likely an exercise in masochism. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Not So Elementary, Dear Sherlock!

     When I write a story, I am truly recounting a story I hear being told to me. Last night I sat in front of the computer and tapped out about 1500 words of a new novel 'Jokers and One-Eyed Jacks.' It is a sequel to 'The Altered Boys Club' though it is more about Sebastian's life in the aftermath than about more child sexual abuse. At any rate, Sebastian is now working on another mysterious murder. The exsanguinated body of an acquaintance's friend was discovered in the early morning hours. Sebastian was immediately drawn to this latest victim and became engrossed in his initial phase of inquiry. He couldn't turn it off. I heard him talking about it all night as I tried to sleep. Unfortunately, when Sebastian can't sleep, neither can I. So this morning is off to a sluggish start.
     I know what is in store for me when I return from work tonight. And no, it is not going to bed early! There will be notes from the day's discourse to transcribe and most likely expound upon. I also know that a body taken to the morgue doesn't necessarily remain in the morgue, but where did it go? Security cameras show no unauthorized personnel entering or leaving. And absolutely no one leaving with a corpse in tow. 
     At the rate Sebastian is working, I may have this story ready for an editor by Labor Day. I'll be able to sleep then.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Synchronicity of Love

When I tried to find Heaven, the way was lost to me.
When I sought my God, my God evaded me. 
But when I merely thought of you, you came and brought the other two.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Synchronicity And Health

     Believe me when I say I am happy to be mobile again! RA sneaks up on me sometimes due to changes in barometric pressure, food allergies and stress. There's nothing I can do about the weather, but when it comes to what I eat, I am a label reader! Most of what I eat I prepare from basic ingredients myself. On those rare occasions when I don't, I have to beware or turn to stone! Stress is something I do my best to control through meditation and chanting to prepare for the day, going for a walk, and making myself small and quiet until a negative situation passes. Some people don't understand this. Some people are loud and get louder when they're stressed. I don't understand that.
     The other day one of the managers where I work made it a point to tell me that I am someone he would never want to cross.This was totally out of context of anything that was going on. I laughed. He went on to tell me he believes I have a dark side that can be really dangerous to those who would dare to cross me. I laughed again. I told him I don't punish people, if that's what he meant, nor do I seek revenge. They simply cease to exist for me and I leave them to their own Karma. Once again, he reaffirmed that he believes I am not someone to cross.
     I speak up for myself and for others I see being treated badly, sure. Beyond that I would describe myself as fairly passive, but I am nobody's doormat. I was shocked to hear this from someone with whom I have had very limited interaction. Frankly, it bothered me. The next day, I couldn't walk. I experienced a major RA flare-up, and I was out of Aleve. I had no choice but to push through it as best I could. I pondered and meditated and I learned.
     What I learned first hand is how words can hurt, not just emotionally but also physically. I learned how truly devastating bashing or bullying can be if this trivial episode could confine me to bed. 
     If we are to nurture and help our children to grow, we must be vigilant in countering the ill effects of thoughtless, self-hating people who attack for no justifiable reason. Be quick with a kind word, with praise, and encouragement. The more positives we can instill, the less room there is for negatives to get in.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Akashic Hotel

     The last dream I recall before waking had me walking along a wide corridor. There were doors to rooms on either side, like in a hotel. As with a hotel, there were signs hanging from all the doorknobs; only these weren't Do Not Disturb signs. These signs each posted a date and time. I didn't enter through any of the doors. None of the ones I saw held any special appeal for me, I did however, want to remember some of them so I could think about it today. Apparently waking remembrance is not allowed as all the dates and times I saw were wiped from my memory as I stirred awake. Well, except for one. 13 August 2013 remains in mind, though I don't recall the particular time posted on the sign.
     The 13th was my day off from work. There must be something I did or did not do that was more significant than I realize. I'll consider this today. Actually, I'll most likely dream about it tonight.
     I wonder what other dates I'll see when I return to this hotel. What will I see and learn? 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Synchronicity of Ideas

     The Google Doodle for 13 August 2013 commemorated the birthday of Erwin Schrodinger, a quantum physicist. I first learned about him while reading Anthony Peake's book 'The Labyrinth of Time.' I finished reading Mr. Peake's book 13 August 2013. This interest was sparked by a random email I received on July 10th with a link to an interview with Mr. Peak that the sender thought I would find interesting. Everything about the philosophy and scientific studies of Time sprouted from that single email almost instantly. 
     Today, on Facebook I read a relevant posting about Pythagoras and DaVinci. Often lessons I am meant to learn come to me from a variety of directions and sources. As I mentioned in an earlier post, quantum theories about Time are now sending me on a new spiritual quest. As I integrate these ideas into my thinking, they inform my writing and in turn, inform those who read my work. My readers may well branch off into their own investigations, bringing Synchronicity of Ideas to people they know. As Linda Ellerbee would say, "And so it goes."
     By the way, it's funny I should think of Linda now. I haven't had contact with her for a couple years. Linda's birthday is in two days on 15 August. Happy Birthday (early), Linda!

More Knowledge, More Questions

     My research into the multiplicities of Time has been fascinating and also somewhat disturbing. If we accept the theory of multiple Universes wherein all potentialities exist as realities, where is there room for Spirituality? 
    What I'm questioning now is this: if people exist in an array of universes which sometimes slip into one another which we interpret as ghosts or spirits, do we have any control over restoring the separation? Are there really exorcisms or Verdun practises to rid us of unwanted beings cohabitating with us, if you will, that seem to do us harm?  Are the beings we call angels really our other selves guiding us to better choices? Are prayer and mediation the means to connect with these other lives of ours and to bring the best experiences and outcomes into this reality? 
     Certainly Charles Dickens had some knowledge of this when he wrote 'A Christmas Carol.' Universal forces conjoined to allow him to relive choices he made in the Past and Present and to view the results of those choices in the Future. He thereby learned how to adjust the 'Now' to change the course of his Future. However, when his spirits had completed their mission, they left him.
     Now my challenge is to connect what I have learned through my exposure to the theories of quantum physics with my spiritual beliefs. I will chart this journey in my next novel 'Jokers and One-Eyed Jacks.' When these worlds slip into each other, we feel either haunted or inspired. We have always thought we had the means through religious and spiritual practices, incantations and chants, spells and potions to either protect or open ourselves to these other dimensions. Have we been living a lie? Once again, science and religion or spiritual belief clash. Or do they?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Betwixt And Between

     I was aroused from sleep this morning by tremendous physical pain, though I still had not managed to open my eyes. I was also lying on my back which I never do. I am one of those people who falls asleep the moment my head touches a pillow and I don't move. The side of the double bed I don't use is never rumpled the next morning. So when I felt this new position, I attempted to roll over on my left side as usual. I could not move. That woke me up wide-eyed!
     When I glanced down my body, there was a clear divide that quite literally was transparent and divided my body vertically. My left side was on  my usual bed with my usual linens in my usual room. My right side was lying on a more elegant bed with better quality linens in a more opulently furnished room. I told myself it was time to rise, but I closed my eyes for another few minutes. When I opened them again, I was completely myself on my bed in my room. There was still some pain but it was considerably reduced.
     This experience has left me wondering how such a thing could have happened. More importantly, I'm wondering if a decision was made to remain where I am and what would have happened if I had gone the other way. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Haunted By Time

     Sebastian's body shuddered in spasm jolting him awake. He sat upright and reached for the carafe à eau de nuit on the nightstand, only to find it empty. The digital clock on the bureau read 3:33. Headache nearly split his head in half, so he gingerly got out of bed to go downstairs for some water from the refrigerator. As he descended the stairs there was a loud crack of thunder and the strange odor of ozone seemed to fill the house. Sunlight was beaming from the kitchen and he heard voices.

     "Honey, I think Sammy has a crush on you."
     "Sean, you think everyone has a crush on me. You're sweet, but Sammy is just a kid."
     "Never mind that, Sebastian, he would have gladly saved us the trouble of lugging this bags ourselves just for a chance to be in your house."
     "Sean, that's enough. What do you take me for? Some pedophile pervert? Sammy doesn't interest me in the least, not even for free delivery of groceries. Besides, anyone who would leer lustfully at a child like that makes me sick."
     "Where do you get off being so judgemental, Sebastian? Who died and made you Pope for fuck sake, huh? I was only teasing. The kid idolizes you is all. Why do you have to take everything and make it into some mortal sin or something? You wanna know who sickens me? People like you who can't appreciate what gifts children are; who think their feelings are what? Too immature to matter? Sammy's got feelings and he has a right to have those feelings acknowledged even from some high and mighty-tight-ass judgemental sonofabitch like you!"
     "Sean, why are you --? Oh, never mind. There's the phone."
     Sebastian reached for the wall phone in the kitchen, but Sean snatched it away. "I'll get that!" he barked. "Yeah, hello." There was a pause. "Oh, hello, Brother Phillip." 
     Sebastian realized the caller must be from the abbey to which Sean's uncle had retired. An unexpected call from there could only mean something had happened to the Monsignor. Finally, he heard Sean say, "Of course, Brother Phillip. I'll be there as soon as possible. I'll see if there is a flight tonight. I'll call you about my arrival time. It's kind of you to meet me at the airport. Thanks for your call. Yes, I'll see you soon. Please tell the old man I'm on my way." 
     "Do you want me to see if I can books us on a flight, Sean?"
     "Us? I don't think so. I'm going alone, so I'll book my own flight. The Monsignor's had a major heart attack. This is a family matter, Sebastian. You understand. Besides --"

     Sebastian didn't know how it was that he was witnessing this scene. Never before had he realized what set Sean off so suddenly. Now in the context of Sean's death, the circumstances of the pedophile priest investigation surrounding it that surprisingly enough involved Sean, everything became clear.
     Another clap of thunder heralded some kind of electrical storm. Sebastian's headache had gone away, along with the smell of ozone. He was standing in the dark.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Art of Synchronicity

Mindfulness allows us to make an art of Synchronicity. Mindfulness puts us in the right place at the right moment doing the right thing with the right people for our highest good. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

     If Time is cubic, as some physicists have suggested, we are indeed free from regret for anything we did not chose to do, anyone we chose not to know, places we chose not to go. All of these other choices exist on other planes of time, in other dimensions of our existence. 
     My experience with both mindfulness and meditation have allowed me a glimpse of these roads not taken and where they led. I am reminded of being on my high school debate team. As we considered the proposition, we had to gather evidence to be able to argue both sides of the question. Developing those arguments began with a variety of suppositions of 'if this' then whats. Each premise followed a certain logic to a conclusion. There were a lot of premises that produced dead ends. In this case, we went back to the beginning and developed different arguments. When we developed a strategy leading to a conclusion the team found difficult to overcome, we were ready for tournament. It was a matter of considering our defense from every foreseeable angle and building the case for our point of view. When the other side presented a tighter case than us, we were able to go back to school and fortify our side against future similar results.
     In a meditative state, my mind is emptied of everyday stresses producing a relaxed, receptive state. A movie begins to play about a particular situation and possible responses I might have. These are moments when my cubic nature flattens so to speak into a road map of choices, results and consequences. Anxiety is replaced by calm confidence. This process know as creative visualization produces a deja vu effect, or as M. Arnoud suggests, according to Anthony Peake, a deja vecu when I find myself in the situation in real time. My response is rehearsed. I know what I am going to do. 'Coulda, woulda, shoulda dissipates into the nothingness it ever was.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Once And Future Past

     The Past reigns supreme. The moment we begin to think, the idea becomes something we thought. We were born in the past, move to the present, and grow into the future. There is a theory in physics that says there is exists an anti-us, as in anti-matter. This version of us is born in the future, progresses into the present moment and proceeds to the past. Consider the character of Merlin, the wizard who instructed the young boy called Wart, who was to become King Arthur. Merlin was said to have been born old and grew younger. His wisdom came from his life experience in the future. His wizardry was his ability to use this experience in the present moment. 
     In this light, I wonder if our eureka moments, those so-called flashes of inspiration aren't actually the result of our future selves getting a message through to our present selves. How often have we lamented if only I knew then what I know now! In the silence of our contemplation, we hear our own voice.
     This is how I write stories. I hear a voice telling me them and I type them on my computer. I don't know the twists and turns or even how the story ends until the voice who is the storyteller gets to that part. He relates a story that has already been written. So, my books already exist in the future. I am simply working toward that time.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Spirit You See

     I'm finding Anthony Peake's book Labyrinth of Time fascinating as well as educational. Consider that one of the laws of physics says that for every force, there is an equal and opposite force. Now consider that our physical bodies are composed of positive matter. Would it not follow that somewhere in this vast Universe there is an anti-us, a version of us made up of anti-matter? As we move from present to past, our anti-twin, if you will, is moving from future to present. On those rare occasions when we perceive the presence of a spirit, it might well be ourselves. Consider the questions we could ask and the knowledge we could glean! 
     Mindfulness. So many masters and teachers are telling us to be more mindful. Being present, observant will allow us to benefit from opportunities such as these. If we allow the distractions of technical gadgets steal our attention, we will miss a chance to know the correct course to follow. And, perhaps to know ourselves a little better.
     The spirit you see might be a future you.