If Time is cubic, as some physicists have suggested, we are indeed free from regret for anything we did not chose to do, anyone we chose not to know, places we chose not to go. All of these other choices exist on other planes of time, in other dimensions of our existence.
My experience with both mindfulness and meditation have allowed me a glimpse of these roads not taken and where they led. I am reminded of being on my high school debate team. As we considered the proposition, we had to gather evidence to be able to argue both sides of the question. Developing those arguments began with a variety of suppositions of 'if this' then whats. Each premise followed a certain logic to a conclusion. There were a lot of premises that produced dead ends. In this case, we went back to the beginning and developed different arguments. When we developed a strategy leading to a conclusion the team found difficult to overcome, we were ready for tournament. It was a matter of considering our defense from every foreseeable angle and building the case for our point of view. When the other side presented a tighter case than us, we were able to go back to school and fortify our side against future similar results.
In a meditative state, my mind is emptied of everyday stresses producing a relaxed, receptive state. A movie begins to play about a particular situation and possible responses I might have. These are moments when my cubic nature flattens so to speak into a road map of choices, results and consequences. Anxiety is replaced by calm confidence. This process know as creative visualization produces a deja vu effect, or as M. Arnoud suggests, according to Anthony Peake, a deja vecu when I find myself in the situation in real time. My response is rehearsed. I know what I am going to do. 'Coulda, woulda, shoulda dissipates into the nothingness it ever was.
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