We all appreciate someone saying thank you for a gift we have given or a favor done. When the receiver doesn't acknowledge our efforts, we can feel taken for granted or not good enough. Sad.
Meister Eckhart is quoted as saying thank you is the only prayer people need to learn. Thank you is certainly a powerful phrase. Not only does it make the giver feel worthy, but it also motivates him or her to want to give more. Think about a time when you spent time and money to give a gift to someone and that person never said a word of appreciation about it. Your thought was probably something on the order, "That's the last time I go out of my way for her (him)."
I recently watched a YouTube video of a Lilou Mace interview with Dr. Dain Heer. The take-away from this interview for me was a reminder to always say thank you to the Divine, the Universe, whatever name you use for your Source and to follow it with a question: How can it get any better than this? The Divine or the Universe as no choice but to answer the question. The answer will come in the form of a greater blessing. I'm not suggesting that we use an expression of gratitude as a means of manipulation. All I'm saying is there is a synchronicity between giving and getting. It's called Gratitude.
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