Sebastian and CJ were greeted in turn by nearly every officer they encountered at the Crime Lab and Evidence Division of the NOLA Police Department. “You seem to be quite the celebrity here, Sebastian. I really had no idea!”
“I grew up with a lot of these boys, CJ. Good Irish Catholics mostly. Plus, I have worked a case or two, you know,” Sebastian explained unabashed. “You’re not exactly anonymous yourself. I doubt few if any ex-marines are ever mistaken for wall flowers.”
CJ smirked without saying a word in reply or rebuttal.
They reached the reception desk. CJ identified them both. “Is the examiner available by chance. We’re here to see the remains of Suzette Deauville.”
The officer on duty, a friend of CJ’s named Ed Fowler, checked the computer. “I’m sorry, CJ. Miss Deauville was released to her family for burial a couple hours ago.”
“For burial?” Sebastian exploded. “How can a murder victim be released so quickly?” Not waiting for an answer, he turned to CJ, “I didn’t think this woman had any family. Isn’t that what Ursula told me?”
“That’s right, Sebastian. Who signed for the body, Ed?” CJ asked.
“Jacques St. Germaine. He said he represented the woman’s mother.”
“Who did he say the mother is?” Sebastian asked.
“Let me see. Oh yes, here it is. He gave the mother’s name as Marguerite Deauville.”
“Well, Ed, all I can say is Suzette was close to sixty years old, so her mother would have to be in her eighties and has never seen her daughter in all this time. My aunt is in for a huge surprise.”
“Which funeral parlor was he sending her to, is that on file?” Sebastian pushed.
“She’s not going to one. Since it’s just him and her mother, the body was sent to the crematorium. They’ve probably finished with her by now.”
“Well, shit!” Sebastian huffed in exasperation. “Nothing ever moves this fast in New Orleans unless you don’t want it to.”
“Thanks anyway, Ed. C’mon, Sebastian let’s go.”
Sebastian sighed, forced a smile and shook hands with Ed and then turned to leave with CJ.
As they walked to the car, Sebastian pulled out his wallet. He found the card he was given my his mysterious guardian. “That’s what I thought!” He nearly shouted. “Monsieur Jacque St. Germaine is the man I met yesterday getting off the streetcar. I also spotted him at The Two Sisters as we were leaving. I don’t want to pay a call to him today, but since I have his address would you mind driving over there? I want to see his house.”
“This is the guy you think lives in the deserted house over on Royal?”
“The same.”
“There something about that house —.”
“I know. It gives your Aunt Ursula the willies.”
“Me, too,” CJ sheepishly admitted.
“Which one of us is going to tell her that the man who lives there claimed her friend’s body and had it cremated?”
“I’m going to let you take that honor, Sebastian. She’ll take it better coming from another redhead than from me.”
“You’re her nephew, CJ. She adores you.”
“I know, but —.”
“She scares you.”
“Just a little.”
Jesus! Sebastian’s inner voice chided. I finally meet my fantasy man and he’s a fuckin’ bottom! Then he smiled. “I can deal with that,” he said out loud.
“You can, Buddy? Thanks.”
“Actually I was just thinking out loud, but yes, I’ll break the news to Ursula.”
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