I subscribe to Lilou Mace's Juicy Tours on YouTube. Lilou recently interviewed lucid dream instructor Charlie Morley. Afterwards I immediately ordered a copy Charlie's book Dreams of Awakening. This was one of a very few books I finished reading and flipped right back to the beginning to read again. Here was a spiritual practice based on how I have always dreamed! Now I was learning how to use it. I was enthralled to say the very least. I would be reading the book a third time except I gave it away to someone who expressed an interest.
Once a person delves into lucid dreaming, the ability to recall dreams grows stronger. Also, the dreamer knows s/he is dreaming while the dream is happening. This was certainly the case with me last night.
I read a post on Facebook that said in effect we are where we are in life as a result not of circumstances, but rather the choices we made. Given my current circumstances I wanted to discover the instances where other choices might have been which would have lead me on a "happier" path. Other books I've read recently about non-linear time suggest the possibility of revisiting our choices and making alternate selections.
If there was something in my past that I could do over to relieve me my present situation I was all for it. If I could also rid myself of this week old chest cold, so much the better.
As I began to drift into sleep, I told myself to pay attention and remember the details of my dream. I stated my intention, "I want to view the particular choices where choosing differently would bring a positive change in my life." My dreams are always like watching a movie, this one featured a voice-over narrator.
"If you make changes in your life, you will miss meeting some of the people who have mattered to you."
"No, I don't agree. The people who have played meaningful roles in my life I would have met regardless. I want to see where I might have made better choices. I want to fix this!"
Suddenly I was in a dark space of indeterminable dimensions. Smoke began to fill the space. I could hear fire crackling all around me as the smoke became denser. I began to cough, both as the person in the dream and the person in bed asleep having the dream. I comforted myself with a reminder that the fire was only a dream. I began coughing a lot and loud. Loud enough I discovered the next morning I woke my roommate whose room is across a hall and we both had our bedroom doors closed.
I saw various shades of grey in the smoke. I decided to follow the lighter colored bands. I continued to hack and cough as I made my way through the space and eventually outside. In the fresh air and sunshine I turned to look at where I had been. The structure was completely destroyed by the fire. Only smoldering rubble remained.
"Now what will you do? The records you hoped to see no longer exist," the voice over said.
"All I can do," I said. "Move on."
My coughing subsided in the fresh air of the dream. I finished the night sleeping peacefully. I didn't cough at all today.
My dream freed me of any notion of punishment or bitch-slapped by Karma. I also read recently somewhere that if your path is smooth you're on the wrong path. I am most definitely then on the right path.
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