Thursday, January 8, 2015


     Perfect posture was considered one of Deliverance Helly's finer characteristics. Now as she walked with her head high and her back straight neighbors mocked her baring saying she appeared about to ascend a throne instead of the pyre. Some said she stuck her nose up as usual, but she would regret her pride soon enough.
     Truth be told Deliverance struggled to maintain a brave face, shaken to her soul by the cruel lies proffered at her trial. These people she grew up with,  shared daily chores, and attended worship at the Congregational Church. Even as she walked to her death she struggled to understand this turn of events.
     Someone spied slight movement of her lips. 'Look! She's calling on her prince to save her!' Another said no, she's praying for forgiveness, but the crowd shouted down this person. Those who brought them raised their Bibles over their heads and called on God's justice. Stripped of her clothes and shoes, Verity stood in only her shift. The executioner pulled her arms around a post behind her and bound her hands with rope. A faggot touched the kindling. Flames and smoke rose to separate her from the view of those gathered to witness and celebrate her execution. Only her upturned countenance remained visible.
    Storm clouds gathered to blot out the morning sun. Lightning ripped open the sky releasing a torrential rain dousing the flames. The rope used to bind Deliverance's hands fell away. She raised her arms over her head and shouted, 'I am saved by the One who loves me, but you shall not escape my revenge. From this day forward you fortunes change. You so quick to judge shall forever be judged and damned. I will dog your heels through the far reaches of time.' The people stood as statues unfazed by rain, paralyzed by the curse. A second flash of lightning broke the spell. They scurried for cover, all except one. Deliverance disappeared.

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