Monday, July 22, 2013

Paranormal or 'Other' Normal?

     In his book 'Daemon' Anthony Peake mentions a pair of events that happened to Swedish playwright August Stringberg and similarly to Dostoevsky. Each of these men wrote about moments where they were instantly transported to a different time while having a conversation with friends. Peake further posits that this is a common occurrence with artistic people.
     These instantaneous and momentary flashes of a different reality have a basis in the physiology of the human brain. Huxley wrote about these effects of drugs such as mescaline. However, Peake writes this is also what happens during meditation. The afterglow so to speak is our feeling of enlightenment.
     This also describes my experience while writing. I have always told people that I am simply an instrument. I write down what I hear being told to me. I know not where the story goes or how it will end until the voice has finished the dictation.
      Humans have to capacity of awareness in many different dimensions. We only have to allow ourselves the stillness to listen and the willingness to see this other aspect of 'normal.'

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