Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blurred Vision As A Path To Clarity

     Sometimes I see a blur of something in my peripheral vision that leaves me wondering what I saw. Often it's something or someone moving very quickly. For instance, sitting on a winter's night watching television or reading a book and a brownish blur flashes by. That one is a mouse who didn't realize I was there until it was too late! Sometimes, though it's someone from the other side who is with me, but not intending to be seen. At other times, being seen is the point. 
     Yesterday provided me an interesting lesson in perception. I inadvertently went to work without my reading glasses. Until then, I hadn't realized how much my dependence on them had grown. I decided to make the best of the situation by making enlarged photocopies of  the associates' extensions directory and using the enlargement feature for emails; a button I didn't know existed. All in all, the day provided a lesson. While details are important, sometimes we also need to step back for a look at the overall picture. After all, what do details really matter without context? For one day, I was forced to see my work in a new way. My self perception was also enhanced.
     What does this have to do with my theme of synchronicity or paranormal? I was set up. I am such a creature of habit there is no way  I would have missed picking up my glasses. In fact, I felt them in my breast pocket and continued to reach for them throughout the day. The routine is this: glasses go into the breast pocket of my suit. Next the phone goes into the side pocket, then the wallet goes on the hip. I reach for my house keys as I go out the door. Before I lock up, I do a touch test to make sure everything is in its place. I know I had my glasses. Somewhere along my route to the subway, one of my spiritual guides picked my pocket so that I would have no choice by to alter my way of seeing things. Out of the blur I received new clarity.
     Normally, I don't even use the directory to connect calls. I know them all by touch. Concern over my vision blocked my sensory memory at first. As I relaxed into the day, I became more adapt though not 100%. Whoever that spirit guide was wanted me to understand and overcome an area of weakness brought about by dependency. I will continue to exercise non-reliance.
     When I returned home, my glasses had been hidden. They were not where I last used them or where I would have picked them up. I had to look for them.

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